- Plants grow
- Plants-feed almost every livingthings (directly&indirectly)
- Soil dwellers bactteria ,etc
- Soil recycle once-living organism into nutrients &soil
- Organic matter (humus)
Soils Breathe
- Organism in the soil respire.
- Most of them take in oxygen to do their work.
- They give carbon dioxide off (like us)
- skin of earth-soil
- Soil-mixture of air, minerals, water, decaying remainings of life, and coutless living organisms.
- Many different soils
- Soile-alive
- They age, and breathe
- everywhere in our daily life.
- Soil forms when sediment, organic matter, or rock is deposited or exposed (by water wind or ice)
- Soil develop-as the time goes, by climate, soill organisms, & terrain.
- Soil take shape - water moves minerals & elements from one layer to another, as living organisms take out nutrients, new nutrients form.
- Climate-temperature or etc
- Organisms- borrowing animals & enzyme bacteria & fungi.
- Relief- topography -slope
- Parent material- chemical composition of original inweathered rock
- Time- weathering alsp depends on age(older soils are more weathered than a younger one)
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