Monday, 3 March 2014


Weathering 1

  • Terms that describe processes that break down rock in earth's surface.
  • Two main classes of weathering process.
  • Mechanical

    • tear rocks apart by physically destroying them.
    • physically fracture or pull rocks apart at large(outcrops, cliffs) scale or small(prying individual mineral grains apart.
    • produces smaller fragments with no change in chemicals.
    • Weathering processes
      • frost wedging
      • exfoliation
      • thermal expansion
      • contraction
      • crystal growth
      • tree root growth
      • abrasion.
  • Frost wedging
    • Wedging- a fracture(crack) in a rock provides ice with a lot of leverage.
    • Temperature go low - upper surface of water freezes first because it is in contact with air.
    • The ice cannot expand upward because the surface is already frozen solid.
    • So, the ice exerts force outward on the rock as it grows.
      • Freeze/thaw
        • freezing can wedge the fracture open tiny amount.
        • So, it takes many cycles of freezing and thawing with filling the fracture each time to break a piece of rock.
  • Exfoliation
    • term that describes peeling layers.
    • sheets of rock fall aoff from bar rock
    • The sheets of rock that fell out from the bare rock are called exfoliation slabs.
    • rocks break off due to erosion and it is called "unloading"
    • and the water can be entered then frost wedging can process.
    • The most common rock igneous rock such as granite.
    • exfoliation occurs mostly in mountain regions.
  • Thermal Expansion
    • crystals of rock also expands when they are repeated heat and be cooled.
    • But this expansion and a contraction can loosen grains of a rock and enough to cause weathering.
    • Rocks are poor conductors of heat.
    • Grain by grain breakage maks this a slow process.
  • Crystal Growth
    • salt crystals grows in rock fractures or small porse between sedimentary grains causes rock to break.
    • This happens when the slalty water gets into the rocks and later evaporate.
  • Tree roots
    • Wedging phenomenon
    • Caused by tree
    • grow in the fracture
    • stress break rock
  • Abrasion
    • simply mechanism of rocks breaking or wearing down by the direct actons of rocks.
      • Rock falling down the cliff-the rock break into pecies.

  • Chemical   

    • break down rocks atom by atom.
    • chemical reactions.
    • water- carries charged atoms or molecules.
  • chemical weathering process
    • Dissolution
    • Oxidation
    • Hydrolysis

  • Climate and weathering

  • Intimately involved in the processes of weathering.
  • Hot & wet climate condition - chemical weathering.
  • Cold - Physical weathering.
  • Dry region- slower weathering.
  • "Rain shadow" produces when air mass dries out and mountains and plains receive less water.

Weathering 2

  • 3 types of weathering
    • Physical
      • Physical changes such as temperature, freezing and thawing, and the effects of wind, rain and waves.
      • Temperature changes
        • Hot -expands
        • Cold - contracts
        • This repeat, the rock cracks and fall off.
      • Wind rain and waves.
        • Wind-blows tiny sands against the rock.
        • Rain, wave- wear the rock for long period of time.
      • Freeze/Thaw
        • If the water freezes in the crack, the ice expands and make the crack fall.
    • Chemical- wear by chemical
    • Biological- wear by plants and animal.
    • Erosion:  Movement of the broken pieces of rock going away from the site of weathering.
    • Transport: Rivers and streams move pieces of rock.

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